Saturday, April 21, 2012
Month of March...
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8:32 AM
Friday, April 6, 2012
Valentines Day...
Got to spend Valentines Day at home with all 3 of my valentines. :) And of course they spoiled me rotten. Man I love my boys SO much!!
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4:06 PM
Still playing catch- up...
I guess I didn't take many pictures in January. :( But that doesn't mean that it wasn't an exciting month. Well maybe not exciting but stuff happened still. :) The most happening stuff happened closer to the end of the month though.
On January 24th I started to not really feel very well. I didn't feel sick to my stomach or anything, just started having some pretty bad cramping. By this time I was a few days over 26 weeks pregnant. I had never had this happen to me before. Well I went thru the next few days with the same stuff happening, but getting worse. Then by early Thursday morning I had started to bleed too. So Justin and I made our way to the hospital and were admitted there to be monitored. Well the cramping turned out to be contractions and bleeding with it wasn't good. Since I was only 26 weeks along I had to be transferred to a different hospital that had better facilities for the baby if she happened to be born. So I had to take an ambulance to another hospital and be admitted there. I then had to stay there from Thursday and was released on Monday the 30th.When I was there I also had an ultrasound and found out that I had Marginal Previa which was a concern also. While there the baby was monitored on a daily basis, several times a day. And so were my contractions. They had me on magnesium to try and stop the contractions. After being there from Thursday to Monday they were able to release me since the contractions had gotten to be less intense and less frequent. Being released from the hospital didn't mean that I got to go back to normal stuff though. I had to be put on bed rest at home. And try to make it to at least 32 weeks. ( that was the first goal date) So we got released and then came home to be on bed rest here. I wasn't looking forward to it, for sure. But knew we had to do it. So that was our goal as of then to make it to at least 32 weeks. I was just happy to be out of the hospital. :)While being in the hospital Justin brought the boys over almost every day. My parents came to visit as well as lots of family and friends. My parents took the boys home that first week after being released too. So Justin and I were able to come home and adjust a little bit to me not being able to do anything...for awhile.
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3:19 PM
Monday, April 2, 2012
Found out...
The first part of December we also got a little bit of an early Christmas present. We were able to find out what the baby is at our 19 week ultrasound appt. I was trying to prepare myself for the thought of having another little guy in the house. I didn't want to get my hopes up that it might be a girl. Even though the pregnancy had been so different, I really couldn't go by that because my other 2 were different from each other too. And those both of course ended up being our 2 handsome little guys. All I knew was that if we were going to have another boy he was sure to be handsome just like his brothers. :) (i can say that since i am the mom and all) :) Well when we went in and the ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to find out what we were having we said "sure". :) Well the news she shared didn't seem to be a surprise for Ryken because he said he knew all along that...
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3:24 PM
Saturday, March 31, 2012

We also got to have a little get together with Justin's parents and his sister and her family too. The boys had tons of fun getting to open up their gifts from their cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Buchberger.

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5:42 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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7:38 PM
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Other happeings in October and September...
Also in October Justin and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary! Crazy to think that many years have gone by already ...Love him even more then I did the day we got married. :) We were able to go out and celebrate by attending the Temple and doing sealings there. It sure brought back memories our our sealing 7 years earlier. It was a great way to spend the day. We also got to eat some yummy dinner at Oregano's and then got to spend the night away from the boys too! It was a great day and night! :)
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3:49 PM