Isn't it so great when one of your friends that you grew up with, went to school with, lived with (more then once ) gets married? I sure think so! She made one BEAUTIFUL bride! I am so happy for her! And even more great is that she married into an awesome family, and now gets to call herself Mrs. Jones. :)
And another great thing about it is you get to see even more friends at the wedding. :) Like the B's! We all lived together, and are all still really good friends. So it was a great reason to have our own little B reunion.
And of course getting to see more of the girlfriends I grew up with. RAH! :) (remember that name girls? )
I know it was a happy day for Rashel and Beau, but it was also a pretty great day for me. Getting to see Rashel SO happy, and getting to see some of my GREAT friends! I love you all SO much!