Just want to say sorry for this semi long blog but I just wanted to rant a little. :)
This past few weeks there have been a few things that have happened that make me wonder if I am a bad mom. One thing that has kinda bugged me is the fact that every where I go people see Ryken and ask how old he is. After I respond they always seem to say "Wow, he is a big baby." Duh do you think that I don't know this. I am the one that carrys him around and cares for him. I don't know exactly why he is such a big baby but my whole thought is that it is just genetics. I was a pretty chubby baby as well as my brothers. I don't think that I feed him to much food or even give him to many bottles. Me being a first time mom I don't always know the right things to do. Well I have a book that maybe lots of first time moms have. Well I looked up some info in it about how much a baby is suppose to eat. And Ryken is eating exactly what it says. Maybe even less. SO he is just a big baby and thats what it is RIGHT? Oh and a funny thing happened when I was visiting my parents in Woodruff a couple of weeks ago too. It was Sunday and I went to church with my parents. And I had Ryken with me. After Relief Society a lady came up to me. She asked me...
" How old is he?"
"7 months old."
"Wow she says, and he is yours?"
"Does he have a big dad?"
" I can't believe that you have such a big baby."
Why I ask can normal sized people have bigger than average sized babies? My mom was with me when this all happened and she just had to laugh. I wonder what size our other babies will be. All I know is that I LOVE MY CHUNKY MONKEY! And if others want to tell me that he is a big baby. I will just respond with a smile on my face and say Yes I know. :)
Also I don't know if this makes me a bad mom or not. But I try to find toys that I think will keep Ryken entertained for a while so that I have time to do things that I need to do. So of course a couple of months ago we got him an exersaucer.

He had really like this which of course makes me LOVE IT. Sometimes he does get bored with it. I have no idea how since it has what seems like hundreds of things to play with on it. :) I had seen this other toy online and in adds before and wanted to get it for him. Well needless to say Toys R US had a sale this week and so we went to get it. I figured he would like it since it had a mirror on it for him to look at himself which he loves to do. Once we got it home and tried hit out.... He didn't like it so much. But after a few more times tryin it out. He likes it now. Which gives me a little time to do things for me too. :)

I am sure I will continue to keep my eyes open for more fun toys and things that I think will keep him busy for awhile. Does that make me a bad mom? I am sure that I could think of a few other things but this blog is already long enought. Sorry. :) I do know that I LOVE Ryken and just want him to be happy. :)