I seriously can't get enough of Ryken's cute little face the past few days. He has his moments where he just smiles and smiles and that is what happened the other morning when Justin got home. I decided to make us some smoothies for breakfast. And whenever that happens Ryken seems to always end up in Justin's lap begging for Justin to share some of his smoothie with him. And of course who could resist this little man... This is him after a few "sips" of the smoothie. He had a white pj top on so I made sure we got that off before he started. But Ryken really could not get enough. Everytime Justin would go to take a drink of it Ryken would just start fussing for more.
And again here he is with it all over his face and under his double chin. He loved every bit of what made it in his mouth. After this I got him in the bath and believe me there were a few berry seeds floating around in the bath water after his face got washed off. :)
Then today we were going to try to get Ryken's pictures taken since he is now offically 1. He wasn't feeling so well this morning so we were trying to test it out and see if we could get some smiles from him. And these are the silly faces we got when we told him to smile! Mr. Cheeseball for sure! But we couldn't help but laugh after each one. It cracks me up how his mouth is turned to a different side each time. And needless to say once we got to the studio to take his pictures, he barley even smiled! Of course now that I really wanted him to get some cute pics he failed pretty bad. We got some okay ones but really not what we were hoping for. Maybe we can talk daddy in to taking us back and trying again. :) we shall see....
13 years ago
What a ham! He's such a funny little guy! Britt is cracking up looking at his pictures! He says, "baby Ryken silly! making funny faces!" :) Looks like he enjoyed his smoothie too. :)
oh he is so cute! that is so crazy that you know natalie crisp. she is one of my good friends! what a small world!
ha ha, cute cheesy pics! I love his crooked smile :) So adorable! I am sure the pictures you had taken turned out cute...I can't wait to see them!
I love the smoothie pictures, those are so funny. I can't believe Ryken is already one! Holy Cow time flies!
He is a cheeseball! But he is the cutest cheeseball ever! How fun it will be when I have my little guy to take pictures of!
He is the cutest cheeseball!! I love his big smile, Avree just got all 4 of her top teeth in one day! I feel like we haven't seen you guys in forever! Are you guys going to the Baker Family reunion??
Cara seeing Rykens pictures on here made MaKenna start talking up a storm. She already misses her little friend. How about instead of me going back to the heat why don't you come up here and try to get out of that hot weather. its been like 93 here. I miss hanging out with you guys already it was a blast. Hope to see you guys sooner than later.
What a cutie you have!
Cute Ryken! He's like a vampire with that smoothie dripping down his face! So sweet!
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